Poems & Prose have been reprinted in over
200 anthologies, textbooks, cultural studies, critical
studies and other books. Examples include: |
I Brought the War with Me, Chatto & Windus/Penguin Random House UK, 2024. |
Sacrifice and Modern War Writing, Oxford University Press, 2024. |
The Art of Inclusion: The Story of Larry Robin & Moonstone, Moonstone Press, 2024. |
Tranh Dau Cho Hoa Binh, Nha Xuat Ban Tre, 2023. |
Waging Art: Tackling Grief and Trauma with Creative Arts, Jan Barry Books, 2023. |
26th Annual Poetry Ink, Moonstone Press, 2022. |
Ten Poems from the Countryside, Candlestick Press, 2021. |
Our Sixties: An Activist's History, University of Rochester Press, 2020. |
Respect: The Poetry of Detroit Music, Michigan State University Press, 2020. |
Art Through the Eyes of Mad Poets, Philadelphia Museum of Art & Mad Poets Society, 2019. |
A Shadow on Our Hearts, Adam Gilbert, University of Massachusetts Press, 2018. |
Jane Irish: Interiors of Power, Achitecture of Resistance, Locks Gallery, 2018. |
Worfield: The History of a Shropshire Parish from Earliest Times, Share Our Past, Ltd., 2017. |
Literature and the Writing Process, 11th ed., Pearson Longman, 2017. |
A Taste for Chaos: The Art of Literary Improvisation, Spring Journal Books, 2015. |
The Well-Versed Parent, Wellstone Press, 2015. |
Experiencing Reading and Writing, Kendall Hunt Publishing, 2014. |
The New Oxford Book of War Poetry, Oxford University Press, 2014. |
Jane Irish, Locks Art Publications, 2013. |
Literature and the Writing Process, 10th ed. Pearson Longman, 2013. |
The New Anthology of American Poetry, Vol. III: Postmodernisms 1950-Present, Rutgers University Press, 2012. |
Making Our Own Light, Bucks County Poet Laureate Program, 2012. |
Shadow & Light, Monadnock Writers Group, 2011. |
Working Words: Punching the Clock & Kicking Out the Jams, Coffee House Press, 2010. |
SignorNo: Poesie e testimonianze di veterani Usa e refusnik israeliani, Ilmiolibro.it, Gruppo Editoriale L'Espresso, 2010. |
Surviving War, Virginia Foundation for the Humanities, 2009. |
Amerika no Reshiki to Bunka (American History and Culture) , Housou Daigaku kyouiki shinkokai, Japan, 2008. |
Who Built America: Working People and the Nation's History , Bedford/St. Martin's, 2008. |
Oxford Handbook of British and Irish War Poetry, Oxford University Press, 2007. |
American War Poetry, Goldensohn, ed., Columbia University Press, 2006. |
Literature: Structure, Sound and Sense, 9th
ed., Thomson Wadsworth, 2006. |
Sound & Sense: An Introduction to Poetry, 11th ed., Thomson Wadsworth, 2005. |
Voices: Historical Inquiries for the 21st Century, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. (Australia), 2005. |
Times Companion, Culbertson, ed. VA Foundation
for the Humanities, 2003. |
Water: Poems from the Rivers, Lakes, and Streams, Bosveld, ed. Pudding House, 2003. |
on the Brooklyn Bridge, Connors, ed. Grayson
Books, 2003. |
American Nation. Boyer & Stuckey, eds. Holt,
Rinehart, Winston, 2001. |
& Other American Fantasies. H. Bruce Franklin.
University of Massachusetts Press, 2000. |
from Where We Live: The North Atlantic Coast.
Sara St. Antoine, ed. Milkweed Editions,2000. |
of Change: Vietnam and the 60s. Perfection Learning
Corporation, 2000. |
Tro Thanh Nhan Vat Cua Toi. Ho Anh Thai. Nha
Xuat Ban Thanh Nien (Hanoi), 2000. |
Lights: A Poetry Anthology. LaMorticella & Nemirow,
eds. Nine Lights Press, 1999 |
Inquiry to Argument. Linda McMeniman. Allyn
& Bacon, 1999. |
of Critical Reading and Writing. Claggett, Reid
& Vinz. Houghton Mifflin, 1998. |
Broken Heart Still Beats: After Your Child Dies.
McCracken & Semel, eds. Hazelden, 1998. |
Mothers' Spirits: On the Death of Mothers and the
Grief of Men. Blauner, ed. ReganBooks,1998. |
the Heartland: Poets of the Midwest. M.L. Liebler,
ed. Bottom Dog Press, 1998. |
Changer L'Amerique, Maison de la Poesie Rhone-Alpes, 1997. |