W. D. Ehrhart  

ARTICLES and ESSAYS (excluding creative writing)

Find essays listed as LAP (LA Progressive) at https://www.laprogressive.com/author/w-d-ehrhart/.

Find essays listed as NHG (New Hampshire Gazette) at https://www.nhgazette.com/author/w-d-ehrhart/.

Find essays listed as HP (Hollywood Progressive) at https://www.hollywoodprogressive.com/author/w-d-ehrhart/.

  "Bombs Away!" LAP 4/8/24; NHG 4/19/24.  
  "Goodbye to All That." HP 3/22/24; NHG 4/5/24.  
  "What's Wrong with This Picture?" LAP 3/4/24; NHG 3/23/24.  
  "Why I'm Still Here." HP 2/26/24; NHG 23/9/24.  
  "When Self-Defense Becomes Self-Destructive." LAP 2/3/24; Peace & Planet News 2/3/24.  
  "A New Strategy for Biden." LAP 1/30/24; NHG 2/9/24.  
  "Cycling at Vesinet." HP 1/23/24.  
  "More Unsung American Heroes." HG 1/15/24; NHG 1/26/24.  
  "Unsung & Oversung Heroes." HP 1/2/24; NHG 1/12/24.  
  "Let's Get Real." LAP 12/823, NHG 12/19.23.  
  "I Pledge Allegiance..." LAP 11/30/23; NHG 12/15/23. Expanded version Current Affairs https://www.currentaffairs.org/2023/12/i-pledge-allegiance; edited version: Bucks County Herald, 1/4/24.  
  "A Poet in Palestine." HP 11/22/23; NHG 12/1/23; Peace & Planet News, Winter 2023.  
  "Trusting Teacher to Teach." LAP 11/14/23; Reporter/News-Herald 11/17/23.  
  "A Gordian Knot in the Middle East." LAP 10/25/23; NHG 11/3/23.  
  "Is Peace Possible?" LAP 10/14/23; NHG 10/20/23.  
  "Looking on the Bright Side." NHG 10/6/23.  
  "No Spring Chickens in This Henhouse." LAP 9/27/23.  
  "I really Hope I'm Wrong." LAP 9/28/23; NHG 9/22/23; Bucks County Herald 9/21/23 (with different title).  
  "Of Poetry & Lawyers." HP 8/18/23; NHG 9/8/23.  
  "Reaping the Whirlwind.." LAP 8/10/23; Delaware Valley Journal 8/18/23; NHG 8/25/23; Perkasie News Herald 8/31/23.  
  "How Is This Possible?" LAP 7/30/23; NHG 7/11/23.  
  "College Admissions: Foul & Fair." LAP 7/19/23; NHG 7/28/23.  
  "Lifting the Lamp Beside the Golden Door." HP 7/4/23; NHG 7/14/23.  
  "Phyllis Wheatley: 'The Surprising African Poetess.'" HP 6/22/23; NHG 6/30/23.  
  "Happy Birthday, Henry the K." LAP 6/5/23; NHG 6/16/23.  
  "Fiddling While Rome Burns." HP 5/22/23; The Reporter / News-Herald 5/15/23; Bucks County Herald 6/1/23.  
  "Tweedledum & Tweedledee?" LAP 5/10/23; NHG 5/19/23.  
  "The Spring of Love." HP 5/5/23.  
  "Mission: Impossible." LAP 4/19/23; NHG 5/5/23.  
  "The Myth of the Spat-Upon Veteran." LAP 4/7/23; NHG 4/21/23.  
  "Let There Be Light." LAP 3/28/23; NHG 4/7/23.  
  "Dan Ellsberg: A Personal Reflection." LAP 3/10/23; Peace & Planet News, Winter 2023; VVAW Veteran, v.53, #1, Spring 2023.  
  "King Kong & Fay Wray" HP 3/2/23; NHG 3/10/23.  
  "Sticks & Stones." HP 2/17/23; NHG 2/24/23.  
  "Snowflake Culture." HP 2/1/23; NHG 2/10/23.  
  "Collectively Speaking, Americns are Stark Raving Mad." LAP 1/20/23.  
  "In Dreams Begin Responsibilities." LAP 12/28/22; NHG 1/27/23.  
  "What's the Point of History?" Bucks County Herald 12/8/22; HP 12/11/22; NHG 12/16/22.  
  "A Meditation of Pronouns." HP 11/11/22; NHG 11/18/22.  
  "Will Wonders Never Cease?" LAP 11/20/22; NHG 12/2/22.  
  "Oz and Trump: Who's Really Behind the Curtain?" LAP 11/1/22.  
  "When a Thing of Beauty May Not Be a Joy." HP 10/13/22; NHG 11/4/22.  
  "A Shortage of Teachers." LAP 10/1/22; Bucks Country Herald 10/6/22; NHG 10/7/22.  
  "Why I Like to Watch Bike Racing." HP 9/4/22; NHG 9/10/22.  
  "Trumpster Nation." LAP 8/24/22; NHG 8/26/22.  
  "The New Normal." LAP 8/6/22; NHG 8/12/22.  
  "The Way Things Are." NHG 6/17/22.  
  "A Farewell to Arms?" HP 5/20/22 (affiliate of LAP); NHG 6/3/2022.  
  "Woe is Me!" NHG 5/20/22.  
  "Going Green, or: Poetic Justice." NHG 4/8/22.  
  "What Is a Bayonet? Or, Who Wins & Who Loses?" LAP 3/18/22; NHG 3/25/22.  
  "Propaganda 101: The Art of Creative Lying." NHG 2/25/22.  
  "Does This Mean War?" LAP 1/31/22; NHG 2/11/22.  
  "Who Needs Diversity, Equity, or Inclusion?" LAP 1/18/22.  
  "This is Democracy?" NHG 1/14/22.  
  "A New Birth of Freedom." LAP 1/2/22.  
  "You Want to Serve Your Country?" LAP 12/4/21; NHG 12/17/21.  
  "Do You Believe in Unicorn?" LAP 11/24/21; NHG 12/3/21.  
  "It's a Big Universe Out There." LAP 11/8/21; NHG 11/19/21.  
  "More Fun Facts about American History." NHG 11/5/21.  
  "Re-Thinking American History." NHG 10/8/21.  
  "Sanitizing American History."NHG 9/24/21.  
  "Afghanistan: Who's Responsible?" LAP 9/6/21; NHG 9/11/21.  
  "Afghanistan: Vietnam Redux." LAP 8/21/21; NHG 8/27/21.  
  Afghanistan: Gravyard of Empires." LAP, 7/11/21; NHG, 7/16/21.  
  "It's Time to Dump the Filibuster." LAP 6/9//21; NHG 6/18/21.  
  "We Forced Them to Be Brutal to Us." NHG 6/4/21 (v.265, #19).  
  "Welcome to the Shooting Gallery." LAP, 4/2/21; NHG, 4/9/21 (v265, #15).  
  "Will You Settle for Returning to Politics as Usual?" LAP 3/23/21; NHG 3/26/21 (v265, #14).  
  "Is This Who We Are?" VVAW Commentaries, 1/15/21, http://www.vvaw.org/commentary/?id=3936.  
  "Insurrection: Are We Really Surprised?" LAP 1/11/21; NHG 11/20/20 (v.265, #9).  
  "Biden's Election: Democratic Party's One Last Chance." LAP 11/10/20; NHG 11/20/20 (v265, #5).  
  "Why I'm Not Voting for Donald Trump." LAP 10/12/20; NHG 10/23/20 (v265, #3).  
  "Trump & the Military: Is Anyone Really Surprised?" LAP 9/22/20; NHG 10/9/20 (v.265, #2).  
  "Smedley Darlington Butler: What a True American Hero Looks Like." NHG in two parts: 7/17/20 (v.264, #22) & 7/31/20 (v.264, #23. Short version in LAP, 7/5/20.  
  "Racism: As American as Apple Pie." NHG 7/3/20 (v.CCLXIV, #21); LAP 6/7/20.  
  "Paul Fussell: A Remembrance." Vox Populi, 5/31/20, https://voxpopulisphere.com/2020/05/31/w-d-ehrhart-paul-fussell-a-remembrance/.  
  "A Letter to My Daughter." NHG 5/22/20 (v.CCLXIV, #18); LAP 5/11/20.  
  "From Pennridge to Vietnam: What I Knew and Didn't Know." VVAW Veteran, v.50, #1, Spring 2020, print & online: http://vvaw.org/veteran/article/?id=3863.  
  "Captain Crozier Deserves a Medal." LAP 4/5/20; NHG 4/10/20 (v.CCLXIV, #15).  
  "Bernie Sanders: Extreme Radical Socialist."LAP 3/20/20; NHG 3/27/20 (v.CCLXIV, #14).  
  "Armistice Day vs. Veterans Day," BigCityLit, Fall 2019/Winter 2020, http://nycbigcitylit.com/guns-w-d-ehrhart/.  
  "Chiseled in Stone by God's Hand?" LAP 8/5/2019; NHG 8/17/2019 (v.262, #24).  
  "A Foolproof Solution to Gun Violence in the US," LAP 8/4/2018; NHG 8/16/2018 (v.CCLXIII, #24).  
  "America's Modern Military: Who Serves & Who Doesn't," LAP 6/20/2018; The VVAW Veteran, v.48, #2, Fall 2018.  
  "The Tail Wagging the Dog," LAP 3/10/2018; NHG 3/30/2018 v.CCLXII, #14; The Index, (The Haverford School), v.LXXX, #7, April 2018; Peace in Our Time, v.4, #2, Spring 2018.  
  "God, Jesus and Vietnam," The New York Times, November 10th, 2017, https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/10/opinion/god-jesus-and-vietnam.html.  
  "Samuel Johnson Was Right," NHG 11/10, 2017(v.CCLXII, #4). Version also at LAP 10/29/2017 under title "Standing Versus Kneeling."  
  "A True Spat-Upon Veteran Story," NHG 9/29/2017 (v.CCLXII, #1). Versions also at LAP 9/7/2017, and MR Online, https://mronline.org/2017/10/15/a-true-spat-upon-soldier-story/ (October 15th, 2017).  
  "Vietnam and the Sixties: A Personal History," Monthly Review, v.68, #7, December 2016, and online at http://monthlyreview.org/2016/12/01/.  
  "One Veteran's Opinion on the Kaepernick Controversy," Haverford School Index, October 2016, and online at http://havindex.com/index.php/2016/10/04.  
  "When the Chickens Came Home to Roost: The Vietnam War & the Sixties Generation," LAP 4/16/2016.  
  "The American War in Vietnam: Lessons Learned and Not Learned," LAP 5/17/2015; Full Disclosure, Veterans for Peace, Spring 2016.  
  "They Want Enough Rice': Reflections on the Late American War in Vietnam" (abridged), Approaching 40 Years Since the End of the Vietnam War, Lecture & Discussion Report, Japan Women's University, Tokyo, December 4, 2015.  
  "Me and the Veterans of Foreign Wars," The VVAW Veteran, v45, #2, Fall 2015.  
  "The American War in Vietnam: Lessons Learned and Not Learned" (abridged), CPAS Newsletter, v.16, #1, September 2015, University of Tokyo Center for Pacific & Asian Studies, Japan.  
  "The American War in Vietnam: Lessons Learned and Not Learned," LAP 5/17/2015; Vietnam Full Disclosure (vietnamfulldisclosure.org), May 20, 2016.  
  "Where the Dangers Lie," LAP 10/22/2014.  
  The Arrogance—and Emptiness—of Power," LAP 6/21/2014.  
  "What Daddy Did in the War: 'Casey' Kehs Remembers World War II," Krieg und Literatur/War and Literature, Universitatsverlag Osnabuck, v. XX, 2014.  
  "With All My Heart, Dan," Per Contra, #27, 2013, http://www.percontra.net/issues/27/  
  "'That Damned Bad': Fragments from the Life of Robert James Elliott," American Poetry Review, v.42, #3, May /June 2013.  
  "Thank You for Your Service," Thanh Nien News, 8/24/2012, http://www.thanhniennews.com/commentaries/thank-you-for-your-service-5502.html; VVA Milwaukee Chapter #324, February 2013, http://www.vietnamvetschapter324.com/02-13.pdf.  
  "Paul Fussell: A Remembrance," Connections, William Joiner Center for the Study of War and Social Consequences, University of Massachusetts, Boston, June 2012.  
  "Dead on a High Hill," Revisiting 20th Century Wars - Neue Lesarten von Kriegen des 20 Jahrhunderts, Stuttgart: Ibidem-Vertag, 2012.  
  "O, Do Not Dream of Peace: American Poetry of the Korean War," The Edinburgh Companion to Twentieth-Century British and American War Literature, Edinburgh University Press, 2012.  
  "The Pity of War Poetry," on permanent dislay at the Wilfred Owen Story and Gallery, Birkenhead, Wirral, Merseyside, UK, opened March 2011.  
  "Samuel Exler: The Poet as Historian," War, Literature & the Arts, v.21, 2009.  
  "Words for John Balaban, " War, Literature & the Arts, v.20, #1&2, 2008.  
  "Knock Their Jocks Off, Boys!" Swarthmore College Bulletin, v. CV, #3, December 2007.  
  "Kenny & Me: A Story of War and Friendship." North American Review, v. 292, #1, 2007.  
  "Kenny & Me: A Story of War and Friendship." Main Line Life, September 13th, 2006 (abridged version).  
  "Gloria Emerson: A Remembrance." War, Literature & the Arts, v. 18, #1&2, 2006.  
  "James Magner, Jr., William Meredith & Reg Saner: Reluctant Poets of the Korean War." Cycnos v. 21, #2, 2004.  
  "Carrying the Ghost of Ray Catina," War, Literature & the Arts, v.16, #1&2, 2004.  
  "What's the Point of Poetry?" The VVAW Veteran, v.34, #1, Spring 2004.  
  "A Dirty and Murderous Joke: The Korean War Poetry of Keith Wilson." Revista de Estudios Norteamericanos, Numero 9, 2003.  
  "Rolando Hinojosa: Native Son Home from Asia." Proceedings of the Center for the Study of the Korean War, v.3, #1, 2003.  
  "A World That Is Not Just Ours." Swarthmore College Bulletin, v.C, #2, September 2002.  
  "Drawbridges on the Delaware: the Tacony-Palmyra Bridge." The Virginia Quarterly Review, v.78, #4, Fall 2002.  
  "Hell's Music: A Neglected Poem from a Neglected War." The Proceedings of the Center for the Study of the Korean War, v.2, #1, April 2002.  
  "'The Madness of It All': A Rumination on War, Journalism & Brotherhood." The Virginia Quarterly Review, v.78, #1, Winter 2002.  
  "David Dye and the World Cafe: Music with Latitude." Swarthmore College Bulletin, v.XCVIV, #2, September 2001.  
  "'In Cases Like This, There Is No Need to Vote': Korean War Poetry in the Context of American 20th Century War Poetry." The Colby Quarterly, v.XXXVII, #3, September 2001.  
  "William Childress: Korea Bound, 1952." Revista de Estudios Norteamericanos, Numero 8, 2001.  
  "Setting the Record Straight: An Addendum to the Life and Poetry of William Wantling." Poetry Wales, v.37, #1, July 2001.  
  "The Poetry of Bullets, or: How Does a War Mean?" The Proceedings of the Center for the Study of the Korean War, v.1, #1, April 2001.  
  "Above All, the Waste: American Soldier-Poets and the Korean War." Remembering the "Forgotten War": The Korean War Through Literature and Art. Philip West & Suh Ji-moon, eds. M.E. Sharpe, 2001.  
  "Pennridge High School and the Vietnam War." The Vietnam War on Campus. Marc Gilbert, ed. Prager, 2001.  
  Entries on William Childress, Rolando Hinojosa & Keith Wilson in the Encyclopedia of American War Literature. Mark Graves & Philip Jason, eds. Greenwood, 2001.  
  "Poetry of the Korean War." Encyclopedia of the Korean War: A Political, Social, and Military History. Spencer C. Tucker, ed. ABC-CLIO, 2000.  
  "From the Halls of Montezuma to the Chosin Reservoir." The Virginia Quarterly Review, v.76, #3, Summer 2000.  
  "Howard Fast's 'Korean Litany.'" War, Literature and the Arts, v.12, #1, Spring/Summer 2000.  
  "Forgotten War, Forgotten Words." Poetry Wales, v.34, #4, April 1999.  
  "Tugboats on the Delaware: Teresa McAllister." The Virginia Quarterly Review, v.75, #1, Winter 1999.  
  "'I Want to Try It All Before I Go': The Life and Poetry of William Wantling." American Poetry Review, November/December 1998.  
  "Soldier-Poets of the Korean War." War, Literature and the Arts, v.9, #2, Fall/Winter 1997.  
  "What Grace Is Found in So Much Loss?" The Virginia Quarterly Review, v.73, #1, Winter 1997.  
  "Military Intelligence." Swarthmore College Bulletin, v.XCV, #3, December 1997.  
  "The War and the Academy." The United States and Viet Nam from War to Peace. Robert M. Slabey, ed. McFarland, 1996.  
  "Who's Responsible? Bobbie Ann Mason's In Country, Popular Culture and the Gulf War." The Gulf War Did Not Happen: Politics, Culture and Warfare Post-Vietnam. Jeffrey Walsh, ed. Ashgate Ltd., 1995.  
  "Talking About Poetry: An Interview with Daniel Hoffman." Words to Create a World: Interviews, Essays, and Reviews of Contemporary Poetry. Daniel Hoffman. University of Michigan Press, 1993.  
  "The Play's the Thing: A Profile of Stephen Lang." Swarthmore College Bulletin, v.LXXXIX, #5, May 1992.
  "General Orders: An Interview with Vo Nguyen Giap." Gallery, February 1991.  
  "A Common Language: Vietnam Re-Visited." The Virginia Quarterly Review, v.67, #3, Summer 1991.  
  "Teaching the Vietnam War." William Joiner Center Newsletter, v.4, #1, July 1990.  
  "Soldier-Poets of the Vietnam War." Tell Me Lies About Vietnam. Alf Louvre & Jeffrey Walsh, eds. Open University Press, 1988.  
  "Los Norteamericanos y Centroamerica." Unwinding the Vietnam War. Reese Williams, ed. The Real Comet Press, 1987.  
  "Going Back: A Poet Who Was Once a Marine Returns to Vietnam." Philadelphia Inquirer Magazine, March 16, 1986.  
  "On the Poetry of Gary Metras." The Pikestaff Forum #6, Fall 1984.  
  "Waiting for the Fire: Vietnam War Poetry by Non-Vietnam Veterans." Poetry East, #9/10, Winter 1982/Spring 1983.  
  "An Interview with Natalie L.M. Petesch & the Prose Writings of Natalie L.M. Petesch." The Greenfield Review, v.10, #1 & 2, 1982.  
  "The United States Screw & Bolt Company." National Vietnam Veterans Review, v.2, #4, May 1982.  
  "Tom McGrath: A Political Poet." In These Times, February 22-28, 1978.  
  "Robert Lowell: Patrician Poet and Pacifist." In These Times, October 19-25, 1977.  
    Print: Commentaries on various subjects have been published over the years in the Philadelphia Inquirer, Philadelphia Daily News, Philadelphia Forum, Republic Monitor, London (Ontario) Free Press, Baltimore Sun, National Catholic Reporter, San Jose Mercury News, Reader's Digest, The Utne Reader, Present Tense, Sacramento Bee, Cleveland Plain Dealer, Chicago Tribune, Houston Post, San Diego Union Tribune, Vancouver Sun, San Francisco Examiner, Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles Daily Journal, San Francisco Daily Journal, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Newark Star-Ledger, Kleine Zeitung (Austria), Mt. Airy Independent, New Hampshire Gazette, Cortland Standard, VietWeek, and USA Today.  
    Online: Creative Research Center, InTheMindField, and LA Progressive.  
  Broadcast Commentaries  
    National Public Radio's Morning Edition and Weekend All Things Considered.  
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