W. D. Ehrhart  

(* = online only)

  Alföld (Hungary) Hollow Spring Review Poetry International  
  American Poetry Review Hollywood Progressive* Poetry Sky* (Taiwan)  
  An-Nasr (Algeria) Humanistic Judaism Poetry Wales  
  Another Chicago Magazine Ink in Thirds Portside*  
  Archipel (Belgium) Interchange (UK) Puerto del Sol  
  Asahi (Japan) Irodalmi Szemle (Slovakian) Rattle  
  Banajyotsna (India) Journal of American Culture Rekishi Sho Tsushin (Japan)  
  Beltway Poetry Quarterly* Kurungabaa (Australia) Sacred Bearings  
Kyoto Journal (Japan)*
  Big Sky Journal
L'arbre a Paroles (Belgium)
San Fernando Poetry Journal  
  Bucks County Herald
Le Journal des Poetes (Belgium)
San Pedro Poetry Review  
  But Nhon Lua Viet (US)
Lesarten (Austria)
Santa Fe Literary Review  
The Lookout
Schuylkill Valley Journal  
  Cedar Hill Review
Massachusettes Review*
Sevilla Cultural (Spain)  
  Chiron Review
Michigan Quarterly Review
South Boston Literary Gazette  
  Chiu Shui Poetry Quarterly (Taiwan)
Military History Quarterly
Studies in Education  
  Christian Science Monitor
Military Journal
Swarthmore College Bulletin  
  Cimarron Review
Ming Pao Monthly (Hong Kong)
Thanh Nien Daily (Vietnam)  
  College English
Nasi Razgledi (Yugoslavia)
  Colorado Review
Negative Capability
Tulane Literary Review  
  Connecticut Poetry Review
New Hampshire Gazette
Valparaiso Poetry Review*  
New Letters
Van (Vietnam)  
  Cultural Critique North American Review Van Nghe Quan Doi (Vietnam)  
  Current Affairs North Carolina Literary Review Ventana (Nicaragua)  
  Cycnos (France) ONE ART* The Veteran (VVAW)  
  Dialogi (Slovenia) One Trick Pony Viet Nam Generation  
  Draftings In Owen Wister Review Virginia Quarterly Review  
Epoch Poetry Quarterly (Taiwan)
Painted Bride Quarterly Voices Israel  
  Fellowship Peace & Planet News Voices West  
  Fiction International Piedmont Literary Review Vooys (Netherlands)  
  Friends Journal Poet Lore War, Literature & the Arts  
  Gargoyle* Poetry Australia Washington Post Magazine  
  Greenfield Review Poetry East Zeitschrift fur Australienstudien (Austria)  
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